After reading Tonya Krouse's guest lecture on feminist theory I am a little uneasy on everything that was brought up in the post. It may be the reader inside of me coming out, but I did not like the way in which the article was written and it couldn't keep my attention.
With that said, the subject matter I think is very important, but I feel as though our other readings and discussions have been more helpful, for me, in understanding what feminist theory is and its application to texts.
Growing up, the idea of women not having the same rights as men usually never crossed my mind, since my mother was the one that was taking me and my sister to practices and places we needed to go to. But as I got older I starting realizing that my father was making more money than my mother was, and he put in half the hours at work than she did. After learning more about the Equal Rights Act, or lack there of, I started to think about how things were in our country. I agree with the idea that women should have the same rights as men, but I feel as thought the connotations that we discussed in class, hinder our generation from saying they are feminists.
My biggest grudge with the feminist theory is the women who say that pornography objectifies women and makes them victims of assault. I feel as though since both parties in the video are partaking in the act, and its not just the woman sitting there, then who is to say which person you're getting pleasure from. And to say that only men watch porn to objectify women, when in reality there are women who watch it as well for the same reasons men do, they are partaking in this idea that women are subordinate to men, and just are continuing this wrong thought instead of changing it.
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